Finally, I managed to upload the whole thing.
"das Wartezimmer" has had its World Premiere at our Bachelor exhibition the 2. July '08 - and it's been absolutely great!! There where loads of people at our exhibition and they actually laughed when they watched my animation! That was a real great feeling, especially cause I was hoping for them to smile every now and then, but I was totally thrilled when I heard them laugh!! I'm so stoked :)
So here's the link to my short on Youtube:
das Wartezimmer
I'll have my final presentation tomorrow, so wish me luck to get a good grade...
Montag, 7. Juli 2008
Polyphonic Spree at LA Film Festival
freakin' check it out: There is MY NAME beside the colon after animation!
how cool is that?!
The Polyphonic Spree music video animation "Mental Cabaret" that I have been working on at Yukfoo in New Zealand has had its World Premiere at the LA Film Festival.
I've designed 4 of the characters and all the backgrounds and did loads of animation :) I'm so glad Yukfoo gave me the opportunity to work and learn on this great project!
how cool is that?!
The Polyphonic Spree music video animation "Mental Cabaret" that I have been working on at Yukfoo in New Zealand has had its World Premiere at the LA Film Festival.
I've designed 4 of the characters and all the backgrounds and did loads of animation :) I'm so glad Yukfoo gave me the opportunity to work and learn on this great project!
Dienstag, 1. Juli 2008
It's done, done, done!!!

What an incredible feeling: a mixture between satisfaction, pride, total happiness and exhaustion. "das Wartezimmer" is all done!! .. and I handed it in this morning together with my theory. I'm sure I must have overseen a few quirky little mistakes, but hey: whatever! Considering the magnitude of the project and my level of experience, I've done an awesome job and am giving myself a pat on the back in this very moment :)
My film will be shown in our Bachelor exhibition which starts tomorrow in the Fachhochschule, the final exam presentation will be on the 8th of July and then we'll have the Bachelor ceremony on the 12th.
I'll upload the film shortly on Youtube for everyone to see. I'll post a note here as soon as it is online. And hey: thanks heaps for looking at my stuff! :)
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