Samstag, 14. November 2009
B-list celebrity
a character I designed for a TV show packaging - he didn't make it in the cast cause the editors said he's too old for the show.
He's representing a stereotype of a b-list celebrity. Maybe he used to be a TV presenter who's career has been struggling and who's now trying to get his foot back into the door by showing up in bad sitcoms and reality TV shows. He's been replaced by a younger model, but I still think he deserves some degree of publicity, so he made it on to my blog.
Montag, 24. August 2009
RTL II goes Oktoberfest
Dienstag, 4. August 2009
Ballermann Hits 2009 Opener
Finally I'm allowed to post it - I made the new packaging for Ballermann Hits 2009 and I'm quite happy with it. It's been great fun designing and animating all the props and characters! So far my favorite project at work.
Dienstag, 7. Juli 2009
Hinterm Sofa an der Front
I haven't been posting stuff for ages now. That's because I haven't been terribly creative lately. I really do hope that this is gonna change soon.
Meanwhile I thought I post this little German opener for a daily sitcom called "The War at Home". I made it a few months ago with Cinema 4D.
Montag, 11. Mai 2009
Typo for "Son of the Mask" Trailer
Freitag, 13. Februar 2009
Freitag, 6. Februar 2009
Mental Cabaret
Click on image to watch the whole thing on Youtube.
This is Polyphonic Spree's "Mental Cabaret". I've been working on this music video during my internship with Yukfoo in New Zealand. I've mentionned this project in a previous post. It's been great fun and experience designing the backgrounds and characters (I did the beardog, the horse, the deer and the chicken). It's been directed by Glen Real and made in collaboration with Virginie Lynn (aka Shoo) and Theo Veltman.
Dienstag, 20. Januar 2009
Samstag, 17. Januar 2009
Aprés Ski Hits 2009
Here comes another project from work. This one's a new packaging for an old show. Unfortunately, they wanted to keep the old logo (I just cleaned it up a little) and the mascot (a white dog) had to be integrated in the opener somewhere. I developed a very specific look for the graphical elements. I started off with the mountains that are basically reduced to rounded triangles with a wavy line to indicate the snow line. The trees are also built from these triangles and the wavy lines repeat in the form of the cottage's snow cover. I didn't get to animate the whole thing though as I was on holiday back then.
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